The newsletter of the Memory Disorders Project at Rutgers University

Web Sites

The Alzheimer's Association:
The Alzheimer's Association offers a wealth of information and resources on Alzheimer's disease and will refer you to one of its local chapters. To find your local chapter, call 800-272-3900. Or browse on the Internet.

The Alzheimer Research Forum:
a non-profit group, sponsors this web page. For individuals with Alzheimer's (or their families and caregivers), the page offers news and information, as well as indexes of web sites relating to diagnosis, treatment, commercial products and support groups. For physicians and researchers, the site offers up-to-date reviews of news and findings in Alzheimer's research.

Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center:
Research and referral information. Also different publications and databases that are relevant to Alzheimer's Disease.

Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Center:
Information and help for Alzheimer's patients.

Alzheimer's Disease: U.S. Organizations and Chapters:
Information for aging community members about care and health.

Alzheimer's Disease Review:
Discussion on latest research for Alzheimer's Disease.

Comprehensive Services on Aging(COPSA) Institute for Alzheimer's Disease:
Alzheimer's Disease help and resources available.
Information of diseases of the elderly and nutritional and fitness information for a healthy living.

Don Lennox Production:
Some information about research and the effects of Alzheimer's disease.

BBC World Service:
A page with explanations of common scientific questions and answers Alzheimer's disease.

Family Caregiver Alliance:
Information on frontal temporal dementia.

Planet Rx: General information about Alzheimer's Disease.

Mayo Clinic Information on various health issues, including Alzheimer's Disease.

The Seven-Minute-Screen for Alzheimer's:
Physicians and other healthcare workers can request a free 7 Minute Screen kit, including training materials, by calling 877-SCREEN-4-AD or by visiting the Janssen Research Foundation Internet Site. Only qualified healthcare workers can obtain the testing kit. For others, the site offers background information on the screen, including references to published research articles and links to media coverage.

Published Articles:

"Olfactory deficits in patients with mild cognitive impairment predict Alzheimer's disease at follow-up" by D.P. Devanand and others. The American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 157 (September 2000), pp.1399-1405.

See also: 7-Minute Alzheimer's Test, Smell Test for Alzheimer's